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long-range missiles中文是什么意思

用"long-range missiles"造句"long-range missiles"怎么读"long-range missiles" in a sentence


  • 长程飞弹


  • Recent satellite images show north korea fueling a long - range missile
  • A year later came a medium - range missile ; in april 1999 , a longer - range missile
    一年后就是中程飞弹; 1999年4月试射的是更长程的飞弹。
  • The talks were centered on north korea ' s suspected preparations to test - fire a long - range missile
  • The talks were centered on north korea ' s suspected preparations to test - fire a long - range missile
  • President bush says the failure of north korea ' s long - range missile dose not diminish his goal to deal with the country ' s nuclear program
  • South korean minister of foreign affairs and trade ban ki - moon has called on china to persuade north korea not to test - fire a long - range missile
  • The agni - three is india ' s longest - range missile with a range of three - thousand kilometers , putting china ' s major cities into range
  • The agni - three is india ' s longest - range missile with a range of three - thousand kilometers , putting china ' s major cities into range
  • In 1998 , north korea surprised japan and governments around the world by firing a long - range missile over japan into the pacific ocean
  • Siting more powerful ground interceptors too close to iran means they might not have enough time to hit fast - moving long - range missiles
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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